1355 Miles and Dozens of New Friendships

What a fantastic week I have had! I was fortunate enough to have visited Eastern Village and Takoma Village in DC (where I enjoyed Bruce’s Cuban Beans). I experienced a ‘near record breaking’ heatwave in the city, ugh. I ate blueberries at Blueberry Village, then enjoyed lunch with Liberty Village. I was educated by Bill on the wastewater filtration system created at Hundredfold Farm. I spent time with Sky at Twin Oaks Intentional Community as they prepared for their 50 year anniversary celebration. Happy hour in Shadowlake VIllage was fun and Diana toured me around much of Earth Haven’s EcoVillage that has a cohousing community, Village Terraces, nestled within it. I spent time with Helen and others in the Elderspirit community. A few massive rainstorms later, I visited Pacifica and Arcadia. I enjoyed the talent at Elderberry Village at their annual talent show. Then time at Solterra and an amazing lunch at Eno Commons in the Durham area, with final days spent in Durham at Durham Central Park. Whew! I met some truly amazing and interesting people. We had some great conversations about living in community, both in a general way as well as specific to their community. We talked about the great things we have experienced as well as some of the more challenging times and how those situations were handled. I enjoyed hearing ideas from people about what themes or topics they might like to see at future CoHoUS conferences. Simply said, I had fun. Thank you and I look forward to a future tour in another part of the US!

Happy and back at home in WildSage,


Category: Past Events

Tags: Connecting

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