Here are a few highlights and resources from this year’s sold-out national conference held May 30 to June 2, 2019 in Portland, Oregon. You can view and download a souvenir PDF with photos and more info about the conference. You can view Courtney Martin’s 30 minute keynote on our YouTube Channel. All the speaker bios and handouts will remain available on Sched. Handouts are on each speaker’s presentation if they have them there will be links below their bio.

A few conference highlights

1 Full Day Tour & 4 Half Day Tours

251 took tours of 10 unique communities

Registration 560 Attendees & 89 Speakers

114 Sessions Including 21 Intensive Workshops

There were 70+ yellow-shirt clad volunteers totaling 600+ hours of volunteering

The Friday night public event was co-sponsored by AARP-Oregon and held at a nearby church. Oregon State Director Ruby Haughton-Pitts introduced Grace Kim from Schemata Workshop, Seattle, to a full-house of 250 attendees. A healthy dialog followed the talk.

Coho NextGen – With an intention to attract more youth and a generous gift to kick-start the effort, we are happy to share that the NextGen initiative successfully attracted more young adults and will continue via CohoUS.