A Request from our CoHoUS Strategic Partner, The Cohousing Research Network

As this year draws to a close, the Cohousing Research Network (the research arm of the Cohousing Association) is asking our community to help us continue to support the growth of Cohousing. As a volunteer-run organization with no paid staff, every dollar we raise goes directly towards projects and events. Even a
modest gift helps and you can donate through the Cohousing Association donation page https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/cohousing?code=home. Make sure you click on the “Cohousing Research Network” radio button to earmark for our use.

We value collaboration, sharing and research!

Here are ways you can make an impact and what your gift would make possible:
$25-$50 gets Cohousing Research Network printed materials at conferences.

Some of volunteer steering committee attend and present at Cohousing and related subject matter conferences. Your donation would cover printing costs so that we can spread the word about Cohousing and provide requested materials. $125 covers a year of web hosting and domain registration fees for www.cohousingresearchnetwork.org

Our bibliography and online research discussion group are free and available to all, hosting isn’t. A donation of $125 would cover one year of our hosting costs, keep our researchers’ bibliography live on the web for all our visitors and our online forum for research related conversations.

$500 sponsors our Web site’s phase one build-out to create a bibliography searchable database. We’ve engaged the services of a software developer and identified software to
help us turn our static bibliography into a fully searchable database. Your $500 donation would go towards our phase one costs.

$1000 helps send one or more of our volunteer steering committee members to National and Regional Cohousing conferences.

We’ve been lucky enough to send team members every year and we want to continue doing so. We present and host day-long research intensives. We support the Cohousing Association and movement. Your donation would assist in making our research data and presentations be available to hundreds at those conferences.

Any amount will help sponsor any of the above!Our steering committee, research and bibliography has informed existing and forming Cohousing communities worldwide as well as hundreds of individuals, including many researchers, looking to learn more about Cohousing. Donations like yours keep our organization running, help us continue our research, and share it with those who are seeking it.

If you choose to donate, you can do so at our donation page, which is managed by the Cohousing Association. Donations to Cohousing Research Network are fully tax-deductible. Clicking on this link – https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/cohousing?code=home – will take you to the donation page. Make sure you click on the Cohousing Research Network radio button to designate for our use.

Your help is appreciated. Thank you from all of us!

The Cohousing Research Network Steering committee


PS if you prefer to send us a cheque, please make it out and mail it to Coho/US, 4710 16th St, Boulder CO 80304. Remember to put “Cohousing Research Network” in the memo line.

PPS If you have ideas for us, want to contribute in other ways, wish to cheer us on, please use the contact page on our Web site.



Category: Strategic Partners

Tags: donations, Research

Views: 1077

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