Ask a Cohousing Resident Interview Series

I’m excited to introduce a new project recently launched at CoHousing Partners: in Nevada City, CA.

I’ve started a Q&A style video series to offer a first-hand glimpse of life in cohousing. These candid interviews with the experts on the topics of living, growing and aging in cohousing could provide an excellent educational feature to those first stepping foot into the cohousing world, or perhaps as a way to explain cohousing to your friends, family or those interested in joining your community.

I’m new to the team, having started my apprenticeship with CHP in October. However, I’m already enormously impressed by the insights and generosity of those dedicated to building community within the world of cohousing.

I began with six interviews at Wolf Creek Lodge:, a senior cohousing community of active adults with 30 homes on the Grass Valley site. Next up will be interviews with residents of Nevada City Cohousing:, an intergenerational community of 34 households here in Nevada City.

Interview questions were crowd-sourced via CoHousing Partners’ newsletter, with additions of my own. Interviews will be updated frequently, so please subscribe to our YouTube Channel:… to be the first to view them.

Email Jenny Godwin: for more information or to offer feedback on the project.

BONUS: If you already live in cohousing and feel so inspired, use this series as a model for recording the insights of your group! If you or your community want to add a voice to the project, please let me know. No matter what stage we’re at along the cohousing spectrum there’s always enormous potential to learn from one another.

You can watch the first video here:

Category: Lifestyle

Tags: Aging, Marketing, Resources, Stories, Video, Vision and Values

Views: 1503

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