Being Thankful for Community

Thankfulness isn’t just for Thanksgiving – there are so many reasons to be thankful for community, every day!

(Re-post from Coho Now #108. Not on the list? Sign-up here.).

Day 1 Today I am thankful for my neighbor for letting me borrow her car

Day 2 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who made my family cookies (from a child)

Day 3 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who gave me a ride to the airport (1 ½ hours away)

Day 4 Today I am thankful for my neighbor sharing the work of cutting wood for the winter

Day 5 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who helped me build my website

Day 6 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who had eggs I could borrow

Day 7 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who picked up my son at school and brought him to soccer

Day 8 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who has a lot of books that he lends out

Day 9 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who had a spare lemon that I need for my recipe

(I hated to get in my car to go to the store for one thing)

Day 10 Today I am thankful for my neighbor that helped me hang a picture in my house

Day 11 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who put bandaids on my knee when I fell off my scooter (from a child)

Day 12 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who helped me cook a community meal

Day 13 Today I am thankful for my neighbor that took me to my doctor’s appointment last week

Day 14 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who raked my leaves

Day 15 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who walked my dogs while I was sick in bed

Day 16 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who helped me build a wood box in the workshop (from a child)

Day 17 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who helped me move my my new washer/dryer… again

Day 18 Today I am thankful for my neighbor Kay who made me chicken soup as I have pneumonia

Day 19 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who checked my mail while I was out of town

Day 20 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who fixed my computer router thingy

Day 21 Today I am thankful for my neighbor babysitting me (from a child)

Day 22 Today I am thankful for my neighbor Batman (from a child)

Day 23 Today I am simply thankful to be alive

Day 24 Today I am thankful for my neighbors sharing leftover pie at an informal community gathering

Day 25 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who took me to our city’s homelessshelter to help her serve meals to those in need

Day 26 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who asked me if they could do anything
to help when she saw I was obviously upset.

Day 27 Today I am thankful for my neighbor who invited my to Thanksgiving dinner

Day 28 Today I am thankful for my neighbor that climbed a ladder to hang my Christmas lights

Day 29 Today I am thankful for my neighbor that asked me if I needed anything fromthe store (she was on her way to go grocery shopping)

Day 30 Today I am thankful for Danish cohousers, Chuck & Katie, CoHoUS, cohousing ‘burning souls’,
community neighbors and all those that dream of living in community!

And I am thankful for all those that answered my question…”what are you thankful for today in community?”

~Karin Hoskin Wild Sage Cohousing, Boulder, CO

Category: Why

Tags: gratefulness, Stories

Views: 1233

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