Bright Future Now

After 10 years involved in self-developing Belfast Cohousing & Ecovillage, marked for me with some serious and in retrospect unnecessary growing pains that cost us dearly, I’d like to recommend an invaluable resource I wish we’d had earlier. It’s an online course excellent for forming communities who want to avoid some of the painful process pitfalls we experienced, but at least as valuable for anyone disturbed by the state of our world and interested in human and planetary sustainability.
Bright Future Now is an easily accessible journey into the core inner and outer skills our times require. It’s led several times a year by Robert Gilman, a former resident of Winslow Cohousing, astrophysicist, co-founder of the Global Ecovillage Network, and founder and former editor of Context Institute’s award-winning journal, IN CONTEXT, A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture. Robert is a gem to experience as teacher. Great short videos worth viewing can be found at
The course is both very personal and global at the same time. My own cohort of “Explorers” consists of folks from Scotland , S.Africa, Senegal, Holland, D.C., WA state, Maine, and more. Explorers, having been introduced to a shared language and body of knowledge about ourselves and our times, become part of a vibrant growing network of folks who will, in myriad and unknown ways, work toward a sustainable future. It’s heartwarming and hopeful, practical and useful in an integrated way that just works.
As a soon-to-be alum, I invite you to familiarize yourself with this unusual resource that has truly changed my outlook on our times. I especially love the thought of many more taking this special journey to help us transition as a species to the planetary era. In cohousing and elsewhere.
The next course runs from July 15 to August 26 with registration closing July 1.
Happy to discuss this more with anyone. I can be reached at:

Category: Culture Shift

Tags: Resources

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