Category: Managing-property-and-work

Equipment Care and Storage

Communities designing their common houses often ask about what they will need. What do people really use? What kind of storage is needed and what will go in it? Is an office necessary and for what? They don’t know about storage for 8 snow shovels or 6 different kinds of brooms and mops. When our... Read More

Great Oak Cohousing in Ann Arbor: Their Work Program

Iowa City Cohousing, aka Prairie Hill, is a sponsor of the National Cohousing Conference. Learn more here: Join Iowa’s first cohousing community–Prairie Hill, in Iowa City The members and prospective members of Prairie Hill Cohousing have been curious about how other cohousing communities get their work done. We’re all assuming that we will cooperate in... Read More

Getting the Work Done at Wolf Creek Lodge

Bob and Claire Miller are providing ideas and considerations on community cooperation to “get the work done,” in maintaining and sustaining their Wolf Creek Lodge cohousing community. Cooperation and Fairness Here are some “frequently asked questions” by members of forming cohousing groups: • How many hours per month must each person commit? • How do... Read More