Category: Site-design

Patterns of Development

We thank Laura Fitch of Fitch Architecture and Community Design for sharing this slideshow with us. Click here to access.

An Impulse to Connect

I sit here on the Pacific Coast of Mexico watching the sea awaken in the soft pastels of the changing morning light of sunrise. The waves, stirred by a night of winds from the north rise and fall, then crash into transformative white foam, obscuring the boulders that define our boundary between land and sea.... Rea

Fitting Historic Houses into Bristol Village Cohousing

Vermont is a state of small towns, and among them, the village of Bristol is unique. It is the commercial hub of five rural townships, featuring an old-fashioned Main Street lined with shops and restaurants. A turn-of-the-century Town Hall rises in the center of the village, one part municipal office, one part cultural center. Across... Read More