Category: What

Interview: Heartwood Cohousing

Robert “Han” Bishop is a resident of Heartwood Cohousing in Bayfield Colorado. Heartwood is a rural community with a large property and many self-sustaining practices. In this interview, Han describes his experience living there, how he and his wife came to move there and something of the cycles of life they are experiencing.

Glossary of Cohousing Terms

Affordable housing: As with any kind of housing development, affordability will vary considerably based on location, design, site requirements, common amenities, and availability of public or private subsidies. Many cohousing communities actively seek ways to make more of their units affordable. Some states or municipalities require developers of multi-family housing, including cohousing developme

How America Lives: Parade Magazine on Cohousing

“Old is new again in housing, from tight-knit neighborhoods where residents look after one another to fresh twists on boardinghouses. The hot word is communal…” begins a recent Parade Magazine piece, featuring communities like Capital Hill Urban Cohousing and Village Hearth. “How America Lives” brings cohousing to the mainstream public, and as in much of... Read More

“Cohousing”: A Term Whose Definition Should Be Respected

On the bright side, the concept of Cohousing is becoming increasingly entrenched in the American imagination— with every new project, what was once a culturally radical and shot in the dark neighborhood experiment is now an empirically supported investment into well-being and sustainability. Unfortunately, Cohousing’s success has enticed others to appropriate the term for their... Read More

Bringing Back the Village – Interview with Charles Durrett

Bringing Back the Village – Interview with Charles Durrett via Common Grounding

More than Cohousing – Cohousing Like and other Alternative Housing Solutions – what’s the difference?

One emerging goal for cohousing is how cohousing can be used as a model for unique needs. There is often debate or confusion about communities that are “Cohousing-like”. ** Cohousing-like takes aspects of cohousing but is not cohousing. ** More-than-cohousing are cohousing-like communities with a social or economic mission.It is difficult to talk about “More... Read More

Collaborative Community: Layering Coho Cultural Fabric over Mixed Use Community in Cheyenne

Baby Boomers have kicked the birdies out of their nests and downsizing from years of accumulating the detritus of life. Millennials are finding it increasingly difficult to find low cost housing for themselves. One lifestyle that’s getting some traction is that of living in a community whether it being a traditional retirement village or having... Read More

Is it Cohousing? Dorms for Grownups

R. Philip Dowds is commenting on the Atlantic Magazine article: Dorms for Grownups: A Solution for Lonely Millennials? In a new model of living, residents will have their own “microunits” built around a shared living space for cooking, eating and hanging out. The single family home, and the condominium within a professionally managed building, remain... Read More

Cohousing! What is it??? The process of defining Cohousing

Like all of you, I am regularly confronted with “Cohousing, what’s that?” Despite my architectural background, I am very slow to bring up anything along the lines of the development program or design features. I describe it as a social contract for a lifestyle and a culture. Informally and shorthand, I say that we agree... Read More

Village: The Intentional Community Podcast

At the national cohousing conference, many of you may remember Aaron Darland, who seemed everywhere at once, helping presenters with A/V set up. Aaron was at the conference with his wife Jas and two (adorable) children. As Aaron and Jas consider the next step in their intentional community explorations, they have started a podcast –... Read More