Climate Leading Communities

We hear advice on how to live “green” tossed around a lot these days.
“Sustainability” is equated with so many different products and actions, it’s hard to wade through the noise to figure out what’s most doable, and has an impact that truly matters in our communities. It can be a challenge to separate green-washing from the truth. We all desire to maximize the impact we can make with our own limited resources. The call to begin with local is growing stronger. Take the Cool City Challenge/Cool Block Program that’s currently piloted in 20 California cities. Aiming to drive effective change using “the social support of neighbors.” Same goes for the Green Bloc Program in Vancouver, BC, a “catalyst for creating more community resilience.” Both programs are models cohousing already naturally emulates.
If we’re to achieve our 2017 Cohousing Conference goal of building resilient, sustainable communities, we need to dip into the foundation of collaboration, and learn from model cohousing neighborhoods in our midst. We need a database of resilient and sustainable practices, a log of what works and how, to inspire future communities from coast to coast.
Will you help? Take 10 minutes to tell us what sets your community apart, and where you shine as climate-leading cohousing. We’ll feature these results at the 2017 Cohousing Conference.
Click here for the survey link.
Please share with others, including those in your own community. Thanks for your help!
Send questions to Jenny at jenny [dot] godwin [at] cohousing-solutions [dot] com.
Tags: Conference, Green, Research
Views: 995