Community Renewal: Re-engage, Recommit and Revitalize
Are you observing any of these symptoms of burnout and disengagement in your community:
· Participation at community meetings, in work projects and on teams has decreased
· Difficulty with leadership development: vacant leadership positions or the same people are in leadership roles in perpetuity
· Signs of unresolved conflict such as people going out of their way to avoid specific people in your community
· Gossip about community members is increasing
· Confusion about who to go to within the community about specific concerns and issues
· “Authorities” within or outside of your community are contacted instead of people speaking directly with a community member
· Things have changed in the community, but not for the better: it doesn’t look as attractive, more money is going to upkeep, there is less interaction within the community
If so, click here to sign up for this pre-conference intensive Community Renewal: Opportunities to re-engage, recommit and revitalize your established community offered at the 2017 National Cohousing
Conference in Nashvile.
This intensive session will provide you with tools and a process to revitalize your community.
Ronnie Rosenbaum, MS
Community Facilitation and Family/Elder MediationCreating Solutions Together
Category: Past Events
Tags: Conference, living in cohousing, Past events
Views: 538