Acorn Creek Cohousing (Formerly Wake Cohousing)
Senior, Suburban
Wendell, 27591
- Move in year :
- 2021
- Number of units :
- 11-20
- Land size:
- 11-20 acres
- Developed acreage :
- 2-4 acres
In 2019, several Raleigh-area people began meeting together to explore the idea of cohousing. All shared a commitment to inclusiveness and social justice and had ties to various area organizations and projects. We met regularly to develop common principles to guide our group and explore options for possible locations and design.
Initially, the focus was to find land close to Raleigh because of the members’ jobs and involvement in local activities. We considered a traditional cohousing model – small clustered individual homes with similar design, group space and a common house, community meals and activities, etc.
As it became apparent affordable land for this kind of project could not be found in Raleigh (proper), the group began exploring other options outside Raleigh but still in Wake County.
When a large tract of [largely] undeveloped land in nearby Wendell (19 acres with 2 existing homes 15 min. east of Raleigh) came on the market in March 2021, a couple in the group purchased it, and our focus shifted to this new opportunity. This couple moved into one of the homes in June 2021 and is acting as “developer.” Another member purchased and renovated the second home and moved in early in October 2021. The rest of the group continues to be involved in decision making and the work of making this the future home of our cohousing community. Approved site plans: ( Infrastructure started in June 2023, and home construction started in May 2024 – occupying homes in late 2024 with full occupancy of the 13 lots in early 2025.
Given the parcel of land is located on Acorn Creek Lane (and us nearly its sole occupant), the group decided Acorn Creek Community would be a fitting (and logical) name for the cohousing group.
As of May 2024 we have two lot left. If you have interest, please drop us a note, and we’ll introduce you to the process and meet you and you meet us.
We will have 13 lots making up Acorn Creek Community. Given the current committed core group of 11, we are likely open to adding 2 new member households to the community. Finding good mutual matches to our values and “group dynamics” will be central to our Membership Committee’s charter.
Your next step, if interested, is emailing us at to indicate your desire in starting this important time of mutual learning and exploration.
Some basic Q&A
How large will the community be? – The proposed site plan includes 11 lots arranged close together in a horseshoe shape; these lots would be with city water and sewer. There are two larger lot utilizing well & septic a bit farther down the driveway. Most of the lots will be approximately 1/4 of an acre in size.
What is the expected price range of the homes? The final lots are $170,000-188,000 plus whatever home you decide to build. The other homes being built (starting in January 2024) are using a common builder, but this decision is up to the community member. We would expect final costs (land + home) to be in the $450k+ range. (We are encouraging members to explore implementing some Accessory Development Units in our community in order to create some smaller homes that are more affordable. Zoning will allow them, but certainly this would be largely a decision of each member.)
What will be the ongoing costs after construction? The community will share the costs of upkeep of the roads, pond, and shared land. In 2022, we will form a homeowner’s association (HOA) to manage the common land, with expected monthly HOA dues of ~$75/month.
What is the nature of the land? The site is 19 acres including a pond. Most of the area is currently wooded, but there will be some clearing on ~4 acres to allow for home construction. The remaining 15 acres will remain undeveloped due to easements and other wetland restrictions. The site is adjacent to a school and a large and growing community (Wendell Falls), but there are land & tree buffers between our site and both of these developments. The location has easy access to Raleigh (~20 minutes.) There are plans for a large new county park near the site, and a satellite campus of Wake Medical Center is being planned. In Fall 2022 a Publix opened 3-minute drive away, as well as Treelight Square, a small shopping area that opened in summer 2023.
Are there any age or other restrictions in our cohousing community? All ages and “household arrangements” are welcome. Currently the core group of 11 households are in their late 50’s to late 60’s.
Will there be any Acorn Creek Community common space? There will be trails, gardens, and lots of green space for the community, as well as a circle of shared amenities, but not a dedicated common house per se. The existing house on the property is large and ideally suited to accommodate regular community meals, events, celebrations, etc. It will also serve as the home of one of our members.
Who are the people involved? See Member Profiles –
Shared Property
- Common House
- Community Garden
- Playground
- Workshop
- All units visitable
Welcomes Visitors (fee may apply)
- Common Meals
- Scheduled Tours
- Individual Tours
- Meetings
- Work Days
Decision Making
- Modified Consensus
- N/A
Meal Participation
- Optional participation
- N/A
Contact Information
- Craig Herb
- 9193683973