Laytonville Ecovillage
Laytonville, 95454
- Move in year :
- 2004
- Number of units :
- 2-10
- Land size:
- 6-10 acres
- Developed acreage :
- N/A
FOR SALE: Three Bedroom Home With Barn, Three Solar Systems, Permaculture Landscape, Greywater, Rocket Stove, Cob Oven, Outdoor Kitchen, And Lots Of Improvements. A semi-rural ecovillage-in-the-making on ten acres of beautiful Northern California land, one mile out of the town of Laytonville. Ten acres have been subdivided into four parcels which allows for the development of new green homes and community space. We partner with the Solar Living Institute ( to host workshops in sustainability. The vision is to create an “intentional neighborhood” where people live in private homes, next to neighbors they want to live with, and with whom they share community gardens and community structures. One of the goals is to create a “net zero energy” community. Unlike a lot of rural homesteads, we’re walking distance from town, which lowers our carbon footprint and allows us to be more self-sufficient. Ten acres offers abundant space for agriculture, housing, and workshop space. Cultural diversity and the arts are priorities. Work trade and Internship opportunities start in the Spring. See website for details.
Shared Property
- N/A
- N/A
Welcomes Visitors (fee may apply)
- N/A
Decision Making
- N/A
- N/A
Meal Participation
- N/A
- N/A
Contact Information
- Dan Antonioli
- 7070 984-6536