Raines Cohen
Cohousing Coaches
- Email :
- RainesC@gmail.com
- Phone :
- 510-842-6224
- Location :
- Berkeley, California
- Service Category :
- Process
Raines Cohen and Betsy Morris, sharing over a quarter century supporting communities and a decade in the cohousing movement, can help you realize your community dreams. We are Cohousing Coaches, providing tools, training, and coaching for multi-generational and senior cohousing, for creating new communities and helping current ones thrive.
Betsy has a masters and doctorate in City and Regional Planning. She consults on community and economic development with nonprofits, social ventures and public agencies, and has volunteered as Research Director for Coho/US. Raines is Cohousing California Regional Organizer and has served on the Coho/US board and currently is on the Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC) board, has visited most U.S. cohousing neighborhoods, and is a Certified Green Building Professional; he specializes in grassroots/guerilla marketing strategies and using Web effectively. He trained with Al Gore as part of The Climate Project, and has a background in journalism and technology community organizing (user groups).
Both have professionally facilitated cohousing group meetings and advised groups on outreach, advised individuals seeking community, and organized regional events featuring national speakers.
Both are Senior Cohousing Facilitators trained by Charles Durrett, helping groups with Aging In Community strategies. They live together at Berkeley (CA) Cohousing.
Contact the Cohousing Coaches or call (510) 842-6224 to find or create your community connection.