Drumroll Please…Announcing Our 2017 Cohousing Conference Keynote!
“We evolved to live in community, and that seems to be the scale where we can best navigate the complexities of life-experiences of people not like us, the fragility and resilience of the web of life that surrounds us. When we live connected to a community, we are more likely to become champions for one another, not just for ourselves. It’s a small step from there to becoming advocates for the larger community, even for the community of all life. From there, the idea of the common good is not so hard to grasp.”
These wise words come from YES! magazine co-founder and editor Sarah van Gelder – and much to our excitement, our 2017 National Cohousing Conference keynote. Sarah is also a founder of Winslow Cohousing, her former home on Bainbridge Island, where she claims, “raising my kids in cohousing was one of the best things I ever did.” This well-spoken and community-focused woman will frame our Conference’s theme of Building Resilient, Sustainable Communities.
Sarah will arrive fresh from writing her new book, The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000 Mile Journey Through a New America, chronicling her journey through eighteen states, seeking solutions to the enormous challenges our country faces today. She identified a commonality to thriving communities that will resonate with cohousers, the steadfast dedication of people loving and defending the places they call home. Sarah’s book will be available in the Conference bookstore, and you can join the conversation with her during the interactive conference session she’ll be leading too.
Get to know Sarah more here, and follow her updates on Twitter @sarahvangelder.
Conference Registration opens January 1st. Hope to see you there!
— Jenny Godwin, Coho/US Outreach Associate
Category: Past Events
Tags: Conference
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