Cohousing is a way of living together in a carefully created physical environment. At Bozeman Cohousing, we gather regularly and know each other personally. We are supportive, respectful, flexible and friendly with one another, and we are committed to equitable shared governance. Our community is designed and constructed with an emphasis on sustainability, which our lifestyles also reflect. There are a variety of shared common spaces, and individual homes are well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing. We are located in Bozeman, MT, a city with a population near 50,000 located in the Rocky Mountains. The mountains provide access to many outdoor sports including hiking, biking, climbing and skiing. The city is home to Montana State University, art and music venues, a wide range of restaurants and the largest airport in Montana. Bozeman is often ranked in the top places to live. Contact us today to find out how you can live in Montana’s first cohousing community! Move-In 2023.
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