Free Presentation: Re-Integrating Community in Our Fast Paced World

In less than 1 week, one of our special guests for the Regional Cohousing Conference, Katie McCamant will give a FREE presentation.

Hope you can join us in Boulder on Friday, then stick around for the full Conference Program! See flyer below.

Mainstreaming Cohousing: Re-integrating Community in Our Fast-Paced World

First United Methodist Church

1421 Spruce St, Boulder, CO 80302

Friday, April 20th

7pm-9pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)

Cohousing Architect and Developer, Katie McCamant, will share her insights on the growing interest in community living, from cohousing to co-living, as Americans search for more sustainable and affordable housing models that meet the needs of aging Boomers, families raising kids, and millennials.

Katie introduced cohousing to North American in the 1980s with her partner, Charles Durrett. Their most recent book: Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities chronicles the development of over 165 collaborative neighborhoods across the US that combine private homes with extensive community facilities to create strong communities. Katie has spent the last 30 years consulting, developing and designing cohousing neighbors, and is currently working with over 20 communities in development. She lives in Nevada City Cohousing in the Sierra Foothills.

Category: Past Events

Tags: cohousing, community, Conference

Views: 1074

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