How Do Cohousers Compare? Findings from the 2012 Survey
Greetings from Cohousing Research Network (CRN)! We are excited to share with you our National Conference presentation of the results from the 2012 National Survey of Cohousing Residents.
This was a high leverage research project that used a single survey to answer a myriad of research questions devised by a highly interdisciplinary team of eight researchers with backgrounds ranging from environmental and social psychology to sociology, political science, and planning and urban design. CRN is sensitive to the fact that cohousing communities are often approached by researchers, so one of our goals is to collaborate, combining our efforts and sharing data, thus reducing the burden on communities while still generating research that can support the growth of cohousing. This survey is a testament to that commitment. If you participated, we especially hope you will appreciate some of the findings; know that we value your time and effort and please accept our great gratitude! If you would like to know more about CRN, please visit
Angela Sanguinetti, new Coho/US Board member and liaison with CRN
Angela Sanguinetti, Ph.D., BCBA
Postdoctoral Researcher
Consumer Energy Interfaces Lab
Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center
Institute of Transportation Studies
University of California, Davis
Category: Markeitng
Tags: Research
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