Maintaining Open Space

Wolf Creek Lodge shares about 2 acres of open space with our neighbors. Much of this open space is forested and, like other California forests, has become overgrown after years of fire suppression. Combined with several years of drought, this can result in unhealthy trees as too many trees compete for water, air and sunlight.

Recently, we invited a forester/arborist to visit us and make recommendations. He spent about an hour with us, pointing out diseased trees and one pine tree that was a victim of bark beetles. He made numerous recommendations about thinning trees and shrubs. After a proposal was approved by the community, over a dozen residents took action. In about three weeks (while weather was comfortably cool) this team thinned out many pines, incense cedars, manzanitas and Scotch brooms. Everything was chipped and removed.

Our open space now looks better, the remaining trees and shrubs will be healthier, and the reduced biomass reduces fire risk.

Category: Land

Tags: Maintenance, open space

Views: 1085

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