Neighborhood USA Conference – Cohousing was there!

Nearly 600 participants attended Neighborhood USA’s 29th annual conference May 21-25 in Eugene, Oregon, and Oakleigh Meadow, Eugene’s first cohousing neighborhood, was there with them. Oakleigh Meadow Cohousing, a 28 unit community being built right on the city’s waterfront, is scheduled to begin construction this September. Selected as a conference exhibitor, Oakleigh Meadow promoted cohousing as an exciting, burgeoning model for building strong neighborhoods. Using a map board with pins inserted to identify cohousing communities across the US, and a long banner starting near the top of the wall and trailing onto the floor listing the Coho/US directory, conference participants were given a visual picture of the strength of this emerging neighborhood model. EcoVillage of Ithaca New York was highlighted in a workshop presented by an Ithaca city official as the kind of neighborhood their city loves. A dynamic speaker with Seattle city planning mentioned senior cohousing as one of the targets identified by seniors brainstorming ways they want to grow old. What fun to be in the middle of the excitement surrounding the cohousing expansion in our part of the world!
Oakleigh Meadow Cohousing:
Neighborhood USA

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