New Cohousing opportunity in Northampton Massachusetts

Kraus Fitch Architects is pleased to announce that it will be partnering with Transformations, Inc in developing a new cohousing community as part of the Village Hill neighborhood development in Northampton. We have been holding informational meetings about cohousing and the potential for this new community. The first two meetings were very successful, with approximately 85 people attending in total. There’s another scheduled opportunity to see the preliminary informational slideshow: Wednesday, May 21: Unitarian Society of Northampton – 220 Main Street, Northampton. 7:00-8:30, with 6PM site visit at Village Hill before meeting.

The meeting is in the Social Room, which is on the lower level of the Unitarian Society and accessed through the side entrance of the building. Childcare will be available.
A major focus of this development will be on the sustainable design of the buildings and the neighborhood. Homes will be designed to be Zero Net Energy, producing as much energy over the course of the year as they consume. Permaculture principles will guide the overall site development. The project takes inspiration from the Living Building Challenge to design with a balance between the natural and built environments.

Village Hill in Northampton is a developing mixed-use neighborhood including a diversity of housing types and commercial tenants. The neighborhood has views of the Mill River and the Holyoke range, and is only a short walk from Smith College and downtown Northampton.
More information is available at or at the Facebook group, If you cannot make the meeting but would like more information, you can fill out the sign up sheet on the website or contact Mary Kraus,

Category: stories from the trenches

Tags: Developing, Event

Views: 639

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