New Marketing Messages
There’s a funny thing about cohousing.
When you look at typical cohousing marketing, you see messages about what it is like to live in community: private homes, shared common space, know your neighbors. But when you ask people why they live in cohousing, the conversation goes someplace else: Cohousing supports democracy, it makes me a better person, it improves communication and leadership skills in our children, I’m able to give support to my neighbors.
It got me thinking, what would happen if we marketed the opportunity to give through cohousing in addition to the things we get?
The new messages might look something like this:
Build the World you Want to Live in!
Supportive and KindJoin ABC Cohousing in creating a neighborhood that is designed to foster the qualities most needed in our world today.
Make Democracy Safe for the World!
Democracy needs listeners, communicators and collaborators.
Cohousing grows these skills in the visionaries of today and the leaders of tomorrow.
Join ABC Cohousing as we build a neighborhood where healthy democracy is learned and modeled every day.
Less Stuff, More Planet!
Our world needs us to share what we have, consume less and conserve more.
At ABC Cohousing we (will) live richly in relationship and lightly on the planet. Our way of life is designed to support ways for all life to thrive on the earth.
Imagine a community rich in health and joy and light on stuff – then come help us build it!
Nurtured Kids are Happy Kids
Every child needs a village of connected, interested and engaged adults. Help us build that village in OurTown. ABC Cohousing will be the village our kids need today so that our kids can be the leaders we all need for tomorrow.
Live, Give, Thrive
A giving life is a joyful life. At ABC Cohousing opportunities for giving (and receiving) abound. Make a meal for your neighbors (all 50 of them!). Pick up groceries for a friend. Lend an ear on someone’s rough day. Be an emergency caregiver. All within a few steps of your front door. Living together means giving together and having a great time doing it.
Give your kids the gift of us!
ABC cohousing is seeking children to love and nurture. Will you share yours? We want their smiles, their laughter and their tears. We want to read to them and eat with them, and hear their shrieking voices as they play and even as they struggle to find their way. We want to be challenged by their ideas and to nurture their dreams.
ABC cohousing welcomes families of all types to join us in building connected community.
Category: Marketing
Tags: Children, ecology, global, Marketing
Views: 1180