New Senior Cohousing Committee seeks ideas

In last month’s issue, we announced that CohoUS had joined forces with SAGE Senior Cohousing Advocates to form a CohoUS Senior Cohousing Advocates Committee. The committee will continue and expand on SAGE’s work to bring more information and resources to seniors living in cohousing and those contemplating it. We’ve created this new senior section in the e-news to highlight information and events of interest to seniors and others.

The committee needs your help!

We’re looking for story ideas from the trenches as well as volunteers to work on specific projects. The latter can range from contacting senior cohousing communities to find out how they’re addressing the challenges of aging, to helping us with future online Q&A sessions, workshops, etc.

One of our projects in the weeks and months to come is to collect and share stories of older people who are living in senior and multigenerational communities. We’re particularly interested in stories about challenges, strategies and successes related to aging in community; also stories about activities that make living in your community interesting and appealing.

In this newsletter and in our website’s new senior section, we plan to publish stories about topics like:

  • Organized or informal ways of helping each other with day-to-day tasks when needed (“co-care”)
  • Learning about our changing bodies and minds as we age
  • Coping with declining mobility, dementia, and death and dying
  • Policies and strategies for attracting new members and handling resales of cohousing homes
  • Senior activism — volunteering for causes and groups, neighborhood improvement projects, serving on boards of directors, etc.
  • Acquiring new skills and hobbies in your elder years or sharing your expertise

We welcome content ideas from all older persons or those involved with them. If you have a story idea or would like to help with a project, please contact

Category: Aging in Community

Tags: senior cohousing committee

Views: 2927

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