Recording Library - Meals and Social
Cohousers love to eat and play together. This topic covers strategies for planning and organizing these events from weekly common meals to holiday festivities.
Learn one simple and effective approach to your community’s meal program with no money changing hands. What makes it work and how can you adapt it to your planned or existing community? Hear from two founders, vegans, who visited many communities to synthesize their successful 3x week, 100% participation meal program.
Link to resources: Meal Program
How do you manage the social life of your community, especially if your community doesn’t share a living space yet? Bay State Commons will share their approach to socializing – how we inspire our members (and prospective members!) to have fun together and get to know each other better. We’ll discuss BSC’s system for planning and hosting social events, including: scheduling, assigning teams, budgeting, how the system’s evolved as our community has grown, examples of past event ideas, and most importantly, the challenges and achievements of staying connected in the age of quarantine.