Placitas Sage in New Mexico Spends Thanksgiving with FarAways

Placitas Sage Cohousing, located just north of Albuquerque, in Placitas New Mexico, is so excited to welcome our “FarAway” members for an In-Gathering over the Thanksgiving holidays. Since we are still in the process of getting our land re-zoned and have not yet been able to start building our homes, we are focused on building our community. To that end, most of our members who live outside of New Mexico (who we lovingly call our “FarAways”), will be arriving between Nov 18 and 20 to stay with local members until December 1.
During that time we have a calendar of activities focused on fun as well as business – we will meet with our lawyers in Santa Fe and our builder closer to home. We will have some business meetings and in-depth personal sharing meetings, as well as attending an art show featuring 2 of our members, potlucks, concerts, and just hanging out visiting and continuing to build our community.
On Wednesday, Nov 30 we will all attend a Planning and Zoning Meeting held by Sandoval County, where we hope to gain an approval recommendation of our re-zoning application. This important step will allow us to meet with the County Commissioners early next year in the hopes of getting official approval of our plan so we can begin to build.
It isn’t always easy to plan and develop community when some members don’t live near-by, but we have used technology and personal connections to keep our FarAway members involved. If your community is facing the same issues, please contact us, we’d be happy to share what we’ve been doing to make our community happen – even before the buildings are built!
And if you are looking for community, we still have 9 households available.visit our website to learn more: or contact us to arrange for a visit.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and please keep us in your thoughts as we face this very important milestone in our group’s development.
Andrea Mason
Community Project Coordinator
Placitas Sage Cohousing
505-588-2915 (landline)
978-697-8527 (mobile)
Category: Membership
Tags: forming communities, Marketing, new members, Past events
Views: 1176