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Photo: Ecovillage Ithaca, Copyright: 2007 Robert Nickelsberg

What is cohousing?

Cohousing is an intentional, collaborative neighborhood that combines private homes with shared indoor and outdoor spaces designed to support an active and interdependent community life. Cohousing is not a financial or legal model, but rather a descriptive term that emphasizes the active participation of residents in everything from design to governance.

Why Cohousing

Featured Programs


The Cohousing Association of the United States is a national nonprofit supporting cohousing communities in changing our world. Spreading the word about cohousing shifts the culture toward a new American dream where every home is surrounded by caring, collaborative neighbors who use less of the earth’s resources while living an abundant life.


Our monthly eNewsletter keeps everyone up to date on cohousing happenings. In addition to inspirational articles, we share upcoming events, homes for sale and updates on the movement of cohousing. Sign up to receive the eNews by clicking here

Recent Blogs

A community member dies – then what?

Posted on February 11th, 2025 at 10:11 pm (ET)

When you live in a senior cohousing community, sooner or later the conversation gets around to one of most people’s least favorite topics ¾ death and dying. It’s unavoidable among older people. Your community may already have experienced the death of one or more members. Quimper Village in Washington had its first death within its… Read More

What about meeting participants?

Posted on February 6th, 2025 at 9:49 pm (ET)

Don’t they need training?  Well, yes, in an ideal world everyone participating in decision making, or even just living in community would take some time to learn how it all works, to develop some skills, and to grow a little toward their best self. I’d love to offer that course, but so far we haven’t… Read More