So Excited! NE Summit

A storyteller, a photographer and an architect walk into a bar . . . or maybe it is a common house. They are joined by a teacher, a lawyer, a developer, a farmer, an activist, a mother, an artist, a grandchild, a musician, and a whole bunch of other cool people. They hug and laugh and reminisce and introduce themselves to each other. They teach each other new things and contemplate old problems. They are friendly, warm and so very wise. Every one of them is committed to living in community, to caring for others, and to sharing the resources they have. You can feel the good will in the air. Best of all, I get to be one of them, and you do too.

When you find yourself in a group like that, odds are you are at a cohousing gathering like The Northeast Cohousing Summit this September in Amherst, MA. Registration is now open. Sign up early for the the early bird discount and best selection for Friday intensives.

There are many great reasons to attend a cohousing conference. The one that has me so excited to go to Amherst is the people. When I have spent too much time watching the news and start to feel discouraged about the world, I remember the people I’ve met through cohousing. It’s inspiring to know that there are so many people dedicated to making things better, to creating spaces where people connect and learn to make those spaces work better and better.

Some of you have been living in cohousing for decades. Others are just beginning to dream. Still others are seeking just the right fit. Wherever you are in your cohousing journey, there will be great opportunities at the summit. I’ll see you there.

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Category: Past Events

Tags: Coho/US, Conference, Event

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