Tag: Blm

Cohousers for Racial Justice

What’s new in Cohousing in June of 2020?  One exciting thing is a new group of cohousers working together.  See notes from their recent meeting below.   COHOUSERS FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (FACEBOOK CoHousers for Racial Justice) SAT, June 13th, 2020 The first meeting of a new Facebook group, CoHousers for Racial Justice: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cohousersforracialjustice/, took place on

Black Lives Matter at Rocky Hill Cohousing

 Our cohousing community wanted to do something as a group.  Several people had participated in local protest demonstrations, but others, particularly older and more vulnerable folks, felt that was not safe.  But we all felt we wanted to show our support and a safe way was to line up with signs along the main road... Read More