Tag: Collaboration

How to Help One Another

Connecting Cohousing Communities in a Regional Network Cohousing communities are scattered across this continent now, some in unique, solo locations, others in geographic clusters in and around urban areas, with new ones always in development. In each community the members dive into a new paradigm of relationships and shared responsibilities and begin to figure out... Read More

WebChat #19 Cluster Apartments and Shared Flats in Cohousing

Coho US has gone international with this interesting WebChat about cohousing in Berlin, Germany. Michael LaFond, and architect raising in the US who lives and works in Germany, shared his experience of both living and working in cohousing in Berlin. Like all cohousing, these communities are self organized, community led, and sustainable. Unlike the most... Read More

Purpose of a Work Day

Does your community have work days? Why? That second question matters and may be worthy of review. In the broader culture of the US, there is a lot of focus on tasks, work and material accomplishments. This is good. We like beautiful flower beds, roofs that don’t leak and clean common house kitchens. The work...

Cooperative Culture Revisited

Today I’m blowing on the coals of an exchange I had right before Thanksgiving with my friend, who offered the reflections below on my blog of Nov 20, 2016 Defining Cooperative Culture. As I am taking a few days off work, I thought I would comment on your latest very interesting blog. I think you... Re

Collaborative Community: Layering Coho Cultural Fabric over Mixed Use Community in Cheyenne

Baby Boomers have kicked the birdies out of their nests and downsizing from years of accumulating the detritus of life. Millennials are finding it increasingly difficult to find low cost housing for themselves. One lifestyle that’s getting some traction is that of living in a community whether it being a traditional retirement village or having... Read More