Tag: Delegation-committees

Cohousing Policies

What shall we discuss as we are forming our communities? Every forming community (I hope!) asks this question and communities that have already moved in give lots of different answers. Many of those answers are in the form of “I wish we’d resolved this” and “we decided x which was irrelevant and should have decided... Read More

Equipment Care and Storage

Communities designing their common houses often ask about what they will need. What do people really use? What kind of storage is needed and what will go in it? Is an office necessary and for what? They don’t know about storage for 8 snow shovels or 6 different kinds of brooms and mops. When our... Read More

We Want You…to consider serving on the CoHoUS BOD !

Over the last several years I have served on the Cohousing Association of the US Board of Directors and it’s been an absolute delight! My term will be ending the end of this year. The board meets monthly by phone and with a well-crafted meeting by our executive director, Karin Hoskin, we move expediently through... Read More

When to Use Consent and Consensus Decision-Making

In sociocracy, consent and consensus decision-making are only used for policy decisions. Policy decisions are those that govern actions and allocation of resources (budget, people, etc.). But this leaves questions for many people about when to use consent and consensus decision-making. It helps to look at policy decisions v, operations decisions. Operations decisions are the... Read More

Leadership for Meal Programs Increases Meals

“It is a strategy I think a community could use to jump start their program, and then talk about how to reduce the centralization after a year or more of successful meals. Since we have quite slowly added new households it is quite clear that our successful meals program is what has helped get more... Read More

Consensus or Sociocracy?

Question: We are 3 months into starting a co-housing community in western MA. We will soon be discussing how we will make group decisions. I don’t think we have to reinvent the wheel on this one. Consensus and sociocracy seem to be common strategies. Which do you recommend? Sociocracy and consensus are not opposite things.... Read More