Tag: Downsizing

Drastic Downsizing

I write this knowing few people will think this is good advice, or advice they could actually take, but I’ve been observing move-ins at Village Hearth Cohousing for nearly a month, and had my own experience, so here goes. Downsizing from a large, typical American home, where you are surrounded by the things you’ve acquired over... Read More

1000 Things

A number of years ago, before cohousing came into our lives, my husband and I realized that the time and worry of maintaining our big family house and yard no longer matched the lifestyle we wanted. We also acknowledged that we felt burdened by all the stuff filling every nook and cranny. Rather than the... Read More

Getting from “Gotta Have” to “Community First”

Cohousing community members begin with some basic assumptions. We expect to do some downsizing. We know we will be sharing space and will need to make some comprises about how we use that space. We plan to reduce our impact on the planet and increase our social connections. These tend to be shared assumptions and... Read More