Tag: Isolation

Isolated Together

Cohousing is not only about the things we do together; it is also about the things we do alone. One of the major traits of cohousing, as an example of community living, is the ability to be alone. Cohousing has private homes, most commonly homes we own.  Individual household’s personal space is a distinguishing characteristic... Read More

Where will you live in the third half of your life? Isolation issues solved for seniors with Co-housing

Isolation is one of the key issues that we face as we age. Women more than men will be in this predicament as women tend to outlive their male partners. Are you rattling around in that big house on your own? Are you interested in ageing with people of similar interests? Lew Bowers from PDX... Read More

Housing That Lessens Lonelines

A recent article on aging investigates cohousing’s potential to address the loneliness dilemma many older adults encounter when faced with the prospect of aging in place, isolated. “What if your housing choices in later life could mitigate that isolation? What if loneliness were to be replaced with meaningful connections?” the piece asks. These days,1 out... Read More

Elder Cohousing Research Symposium: Combating Social Isolation

Approximately seventy-five cohousers, researchers, aspiring cohousers, and graduate students attended a symposium on elder cohousing research in Wilmington, North Carolina, on October 27, sponsored by the College of Health and Human Services of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and AARP. Among the presenters were Alice Alexander, Executive Director of the Cohousing Association of the...