Tag: Low-cost-housing

Cohousing: Potential to Provide Well Built Homes at Lower Cost

Liz Ryan Cole is responding to an coho-l email discussion on affordability. For those people following this thread on affordability (and don’t forget to find all the older posts that have been archived)… the issue of affordability is not limited to cohousing. For anyone considering new construction of any sort, you will do well to... Read More

Why is there a Lack of Affordable Cohousing? Reflections on Cost-Effective Housing

I am often asked about “affordable housing”. People want “affordable cohousing”. I want to share with you what this is all about and why I believe this country lacks “affordable cohousing”. I also want to tell you about a good book by Andrew Heben “Tent City Urbanism (From self-organized Camps to Tiny House Villages)” which... Read More

Organizing Low-Income Cohousing

What are some ways to encourage people to create low-income cohousing?, Suggestions: 1. Define “low income.” “Affordable” is not a euphemism for “low income.” Affordable is usually defined as 80% of the average cost of a similar housing unit in the area. That could be in the millions and still be called “affordable.” HUD’s definitions... Read More