Tag: Racism

Why Diversity?

I’ve been in a lot of conversations about race in various ways, and in particular about racism in cohousing. Somewhere amidst all the conversations, it occurred to me to ask a question I haven’t been hearing. Why do communities want to be diverse? Which led to: What do we mean when we say it? and... Read More

Culture Change and Personal Transformation

Joe Cole’s recent WebChat focused on the challenges in community and the potential they provide for growth and transformation.  Living in community may be the hardest thing we ever do, and also the most rewarding.   The cultural infrastructure of a community guides the transformation from competitive culture to cooperative culture and determines the types of... Read More

How Communities Can Better Address Racism and Racial Equity

At the end of May, I facilitated a half-day intensive on Racism and Racial Equity in Portland at the National Cohousing Conference. While cohousing communities are overwhelmingly white, I see more and more people in the communities movement recognizing the need to address racism. In our conference session, we discussed the history of racism in... Read More

WebChat #21 Addressing Racism and Working for Racial Equality

Joe Cole joined us this evening for a thought-provoking presentation on Addressing Racism and Working for Racial Equality in Community Building. Joe started with a long view of history, noting that the competitive culture of domination is recent, only 5000 years. Prior to that human cultures were collaborative, demonstrating that a cultural values of sustainability,... Read More

WebChat #17 Housing Segregation

With forming communities wanting to be as diverse as possible, the topic of Housing Segregation and its Impact on Cohousing couldn’t be more important. Crystal’s recent WebChat describes the history of segregated housing in America, the ways in which federal policy created and maintained segregation, and the ongoing impact of those policies and ongoing racist... Read More

I’m Not a Racist, But Racism is in Me

Below is an excerpt from a Communities Magazine article. Read the full article at https://www.ic.org/im-not-a-racist-but-racism-is-in-me-and-in-my-community/ Author Joe Cole will be presenting at the National Cohousing Conference in Portland this June. A few years ago I attended a film showing at a restaurant in Durham, North Carolina. Seventy people turned out to watch the film, which... Read More