Top Ten Reasons to Attend a Cohousing Conference

Add your own reasons to this list at this April’s Regional Cohousing Conference!

10. Get ideas for your community.

Whether you are a brand new community or you’ve been living together for decades, there is more to learn about how to thrive in community. At Conferences you will meet people who have solved the problems your community is currently facing and hear new ideas for green living, social engagement and community life.

9. Share your solutions.

You and your community have put a lot of time and effort into figuring out how to do cohousing. It feels great to share that wisdom and experience with others.

8. Meet cohousing professionals.

Sometimes communities need help from someone who has knowledge and experience working in cohousing, but how do you find that help when you need it? Conferences are a great place to get to know the resources available in our broader community. Meeting someone face to face or attending a session they are leading is a great way to find someone who could be a good fit.

7. Find your community (members).

If you are an individual looking for cohousing or a community looking for members, Conferences are a great way to find each other. Regional Conferences are particularly good if you are looking for cohousing in the region where the conference is being held.

6. Network.

The broader cohousing community is filled with resources for cohousing, green living and almost anything else you might be interested in. Conferences are a great place to connect with others.

5. Visit a new place.

Come a day early or stay a day late to tour the city. The local cohousing communities are sure to offer tips of great things to do while you are in town.

4. See a new (to you) community.

Each cohousing community is unique and beautiful in its own way. Local communities generally welcome Conference attendees to visit.

3. Support the movement.

Cohousing is bigger than any one community. We all benefit from the communities that have come before and the collaboration between cohousers. Conferences are a great place to connect, contribute and learn about the movement.

2. Make the world a better place.

Now more than ever, our world needs people who understand community, who are supported by neighbors and who know how to connect and compromise with others. Cohousing grows those people. Conferences help to grow cohousing. Come and add your support to this vital mission.

1. Meet amazing people.

The number one reason to come to a Conference is to enjoy the fabulous people you will meet. Cohousers come from all kinds of backgrounds and have all kinds of interests and personalities, but we also have some pretty cool things in common. Conferences are an opportunity to spend a few days in the company of people who value community and connection and are investing in ideas like shared spaces, sustainable building and reduced environmental impact. They really are amazing people, and they’d love to meet you.

Hope to see you there! Click here for more details and to register for the Regional Conference this April 20-22nd in Boulder, CO.

Category: Past Events

Tags: Conference, Event, Stories

Views: 1155

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