Village: The Intentional Community Podcast
At the national cohousing conference, many of you may remember Aaron Darland, who seemed everywhere at once, helping presenters with A/V set up. Aaron was at the conference with his wife Jas and two (adorable) children. As Aaron and Jas consider the next step in their intentional community explorations, they have started a podcast – which is shared below, along with an intro from Jas. This is fun listening!
…Aaron and I have started a podcast to share information about intentional community as we continue our journey toward finding our home. It’s called Village: The Intentional Community Podcast and it should be up on iTunes soon, and can be found here in the meantime if you’re interested:
Our first episode is mostly about the [national cohousing] conference and some of the exciting things we learned there, and we also talk about our visit to Durham CoHo. We’re really hoping that it helps to raise the profile of intentional community in general and cohousing in particular. 🙂
Anyway, thanks again for everything. We had a wonderful experience and look forward to participating more!
Warm regards,
Category: What
Tags: More than Cohousing
Views: 605