We have a new Executive Director!

I am thrilled to announce that board member Alice Alexander has agree to serve the Cohousing Association of the US as our new Executive Director. In addition to being a co-founder of the Durham Central Park Cohousing Community in Durham North Carolina, Alice has a tremendous amount of experience working within, and managing non-profit organizations. In recent years Alice has held executive positions with the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, Planned Parenthood Health Systems, and several others. She is a Certified Fundraising Executive registered with the Association of Fundraising Professionals and has completed nonprofit management certificate and graduate work at both Duke and George Mason Universities. Her credentials are impressive and very appropriate to our needs.

I am fortunate to have been able to work closely with Alice since this past December when she joined CohoUS as a board member representing the southeast. During these past months I have learned that Alice is absolutely passionate about cohousing, a very hard worker, and is a true pleasure to work with. I am very much looking forward to working even more closely with her as she officially takes on the job of Executive Director as of April 1st.

The association has been busy this first quarter, and you will see the fruits of those labors when we soon shift to a new email management system and roll out the beta version of the new CohoUS website. We are also working to inspire and support regional cohousing gatherings this year, as we gear up for the National Cohousing Conference in Durham North Carolina scheduled for the summer of 2015.

There are miles to go before we sleep, so your continued support of our mission via donations of volunteer time and/or dollars is always greatly appreciated.

Yours in community,
Bill Hartzell
President, The Cohousing Association of the US

Category: Staff

Tags: Coho/US

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