WebChat #3 Working Constructively with Emotions

The Cohousing Association of the US was delighted to welcome longtime process professional, Laird Schaub for a WebChat on working with emotions. An audience of about 80 people including groups gathered in common houses to watch together.
Laird started the evening with an explanation about why you would want to have a plan and practiced skill for working with emotions. He reminded us the we really don’t have a choice about working with emotions because they will come up. We can choose to be thoughtful of how we want to work with them. Laird explained what is going on for a person in distress and the value of helping that person participate in the meeting. He shared strategies for methods for working with distressed community members both within meetings and outside of meetings and the pros and cons of each. Laird answered questions from participants. We all learned a lot and now you can too.
The video recording of the WebChat is available on youtube at https://youtu.be/vw3t_3R1u60
Special thanks to Laird for a great presentation, and to Karen Gimnig of the Cohousing Association for hosting, recording, editing and posting the video.
We hope you will join us for the next WebChat Thursday, November 1 at 9pm ET. Yana Ludwig will be sharing an introduction to consensus.
See full details of all upcoming webchates at http://s878506846.onlinehome.us/node/6644

Category: Conflict

Tags: Group Process

Views: 1035

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