Interactive apps engage your audience with your content.


            Interactive Apps


SOMAtranscript is a web video player with an integrated interactive transcript player that permits the viewer to look for specific points in a video by scrolling through a transcript of the video and clicking on a specific phrase to move the video to that particular point. This app, the first developed by SOMA, is intended for use in web-based video libraries of distributors, educational institutions and websites that would benefit from the provision of an interactive transcript.

A current iteration of SOMAtranscript can be seen by clicking the button below. In development is an interactive transcript player that will play on iOS devices.



SOMAlearn = SOMAtranscript with SOMAquiz
SOMAlearn is a web based training platform that extends the video/transcript player to include a cutting edge quiz application that can assess responses from participants dynamically.

What sets this tool apart from conventional on-line comprehension assessment tools is that SOMAquiz uses a cutting edge semantic engine that dynamically reads text responses from participants and correctly assess right and wrong answers in real time by detecting the presence or absence of required concepts.
This tool provides educators and trainers with a way to replace multiple choice responses that conventionally use radio buttons or checkboxes.
SOMAquiz was initially developed for use with SOMAtranscript in web-based training programs.

Our first project with an independent consulting firm was completed in early 2012. Demos of that projects have resulted in discussion about future projects with several local educational institutions and with a firm specializing in corporate management training.

We have high expectations for this tool because every online educator that we have shown this tool has commenced discussions with SOMA for the use of this tool for courses that they are designing.
the link below takes you to a series of pages that explain the components of the tool.



SOMAcomment was developed for a project with a PBS station in USA.

This app uses semantic concepts to allow a user to signify his or her comment to permit the slicing and dicing of a large corpus of comments into meaningful groups, thereby allowing statistical analysis and presentation of user comments.
The project was designed to survey the station’s membership on the effectiveness of the station’s coverage of the US mortgage crisis.

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A powerpoint presentation explaining how SOMAcomment used user comments to report findings for a PBS station can be seen by clicking the button below.

SOMAcomment report