Who’s Coming to the National Conference?

We’re smiling at the numbers so far: 223 folks have registered for the National Cohousing Conference. That’s more than expected at this time. Our aspirational goal is 400; we conservatively budgeted for 325. So we are in good shape!
Where are folks coming from? Registrations have poured from all over the country – 31 states so far – as well as Canada, Australia, and even South Korea. While a good portion are coming from MidAtlantic and the Southeast, we have good representation from the West (including Anchorage); New England, and the Midwest.
We have members from 57 cohousing communities coming, with cohousers comprising about half of the numbers.
Meaning half of our participants are brand spanking new to cohousing, and looking for wisdom and inspiration. This will make for good balance in all our sessions, with fresh ideas and enthusiasm!
Have YOU registered? www.www.cohousing.org/2015conference and if you have registered, consider adding on a pre-conference INTENSIVE.
The offerings are amazing, and presented by the rock stars of cohousing.
Check it all out in our Conference Program https://www.cohousing.org/2015/program
Category: Past Events
Views: 579