Why I Contribute to Cohousing.Org Every Year

I just made my annual contribution of $100 to Cohousing.org. I do this every year because of the many benefits the organization has provided me: support, friendship, resources, and inspiration. Each year I choose ten organizations that are important to my life and my community, and I make a donation. To me, it’s a privilege and an obligation to give back to organizations I support.

In 2005 I stumbled on cohousing in Sacramento and decided I wanted to create a second cohousing community in the Sacramento area. My friend Don, who lives in Sacramento’s Southside Park Cohousing, encouraged me and told me about Cohousing.org. I contacted Chuck Durrett and Katie McCamant to help me get started. In 2006, I went to my first National Conference, and I was totally inspired. I have been to every National Conference since then, and also to many regional conferences. I’m looking forward to the Conference next year in Portland, Oregon. The conferences have provided “emotional fuel” to keep me going despite obstacles.

I’m grateful that Fair Oaks EcoHousing is now under construction, with move-in expected in Spring 2019. We still have several homes available, so please visit our website at www.FairOaksEcoHousing.org and help us spread the word. Even after our community is built, I plan to keep going to cohousing conferences and supporting the National organization, to help other fledgling communities find their wings.

I know how much work goes on behind the scenes to create the conferences and the resources we all benefit from. I’m inspired to give back to the organization to help it continue with its mission – creating community, one neighborhood at a time. I hope you’ll join me. Every contribution helps!

P.S You too can also invest (contribute) to the work of Cohousing.org and help spread the word about how to build and live in cohousing!!


Category: CohoUS

Tags: Coho/US, Conference, Connecting, donations

Views: 1094

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