Why Vision & Values?

We know that our vision and our values, whether fully articulated or unconscious, have a powerful influence on the direction of our lives. In a cohousing project such as this, the careful articulation of our mutual vision and values will lead us to the kind of community we’re seeking. It will set the stage for all the work that follows. It will guide us as we work with our architects and developers. It’s a coming together, a forging together, building the beginning of our community.

One of my friends told me recently, I was mischaracterizing our project as at the very-beginning stage. “No, Anne,” she said, “You’ve done years of preparation for this stage.”

She’s right. I spent much of 2015 and early 2016 walking the streets of Midtown and other promising close-in neighborhoods. I knew we needed a site, a location, before we could build our community.

I also learned that most of the vacant land in Sacramento’s urban core is owned by developers. So, we reached out to the major developers, and one reached back to us. Through this connection we were able to identify properties with high potential for a successful cohousing project. Finally, in May of this year, we came to agreement on one such property to begin to create our community – at the corner of 4th & G Streets in the Washington Neighborhood of West Sacramento.

As this was happening, another friend was acting as my informal coach, helping me set priorities and make progress on this project. She said, “Anne, how about making a vision statement?” I resisted, as I thought I was pretty clear about my vision and I knew that as we gathered a group, we needed not just my vision but a collaborative vision. Nonetheless, I did write up a little vision statement. I called it “The Vision Thing.”

Though I thought I’d been pretty clear, I realized I was still conflicted. Articulating my vision caused me to fully explore what it was I wanted and, as well, what I didn’t want. I bring this up because shortly after I did articulate “my” vision, the possibility of the property at 4th & G Street emerged. Coincidence? Or, was it the power of vision?

Perhaps you are conflicted as well. The Vision & Values Workshop [that Washington House is hosting] can be a place for you to explore what it is you want and what it is you don’t want in your home and community. You can test your vision and values about living in a cohousing community in the urban core. We hope you will join us.

Vision & Values Workshop

Saturday, November 12th
with National Cohousing Facilitator, Annie Russell

Time: 8:30am – 5pm

Cost: $250 (or $400 for both workshops)

We’ll be working with renowned community-building expert, Annie Russell. Annie has worked with numerous cohousing communities at their beginning stages and offers her expertise as they progress through the design and development stages. Annie helped to create Silver Sage Cohousing Community in Boulder, Colorado. Read more about her here.

If you have been considering cohousing as an option and Sacramento as a location, NOW is the time to get involved! Participants in the early stages of the project will play an important role in determining the nature of the features of the project and what elements will be included. Additionally, early members will be the first in line to select their new home.

* Please contact Alex Kelter at akelter [dot] home [at] gmail [dot] com to register and receive the location and other pertinent workshop details.

Category: Values and Mission

Tags: building community, Past events, Stories, Vision and Values

Views: 1195

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