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Photo: Ecovillage Ithaca, Copyright: 2007 Robert Nickelsberg

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What is cohousing?

Cohousing is an intentional, collaborative neighborhood that combines private homes with shared indoor and outdoor spaces designed to support an active and interdependent community life. Cohousing is not a financial or legal model, but rather a descriptive term that emphasizes the active participation of residents in everything from design to governance.

Why cohousing?

So many reasons. In a way, it all comes down to making the world a better place. Connection, environmentalism, security and community support all draw neighbors to cohousing communities. We stay because we love our neighbors, the lifestyle we share and the growth we experience.


The Cohousing Association of the United States is a national nonprofit supporting cohousing communities in changing our world. Spreading the word about cohousing shifts the culture toward a new American dream where every home is surrounded by caring, collaborative neighbors who use less of the earth’s resources while living an abundant life.


Our monthly eNewsletter keeps everyone up to date on cohousing happenings. In addition to inspirational articles, we share upcoming events, homes for sale and updates on the movement of cohousing. Sign up to receive the eNews by clicking here

Recent Blogs

Burns Village: A beacon of neighborliness and connection

Posted on September 18th, 2024 at 8:47 pm (ET)

In a world increasingly characterized by isolation and disconnection, Burns Village & Farm in Burns, Tennessee is poised to stand as a beacon of neighborliness and connection. This emerging Cohousing community is more than just a collection of homes; it’s a revolutionary approach to living that seeks to counteract the loneliness epidemic and foster close-knit… Read More

Seniors in cohousing get higher profile

Posted on September 18th, 2024 at 8:47 pm (ET)

The National Cohousing Conference held in Denver Aug. 2–4 gave seniors in cohousing a higher profile than previous conferences, thanks to our new Seniors in Cohousing Committee. The committee presented three sessions exploring different aspects of seniors in cohousing. It also hosted an early morning “Coffee & Donuts Meet & Greet” that attracted a nice… Read More