
Note that The Cohousing Association has an email list for eNews subscriptions that is separate from Cohousing-L.
To subscribe to Cohousing-L complete the form at this link (scroll down).  You will be sent a verification email. Only the list administrator is able to see the list of subscribers.
You will have the option to subscribe to the “digest” version of the list, which will allow you to receive a single email with all the messages once per day. Most subscribers prefer this option to reduce inbox overwhelm.


To unsubscribe from Cohousing-L, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options, enter your subscription e-mail address:

If the address you enter above is not subscribed to cohousing-L, you will not get reminders or notices. Check to see if you are subscribed at a different address. If you have difficulty after trying to use forms, email list manager, Fred H. Olson:

Post to the List

To post a message to all the list members, send email to
Note that Cohousing-L is a public list and the archives are public and searchable; consider this when composing posts. You do not need to be a subscriber in order to post to the list. A subscription will generally allow your posts to skip the review and you would get any replies directly.

Access the Archives

To see the collection of the over 40,000 postings since the list started visit, Cohousing-L Messages (archives). The Index Pages are by default chronological with most recent on top. Unfortunately getting to an Index Page of a given time in the last 20 years is awkward, the Date Index helps.
Searching the archives: Each index page of the archives has a form at the top to enter a search string. There is a link to Search Tips at the bottom of every search results page.

Cohousing-L References

For more information about List history, list FAQs and links to some files and web pages mentioned in the discussion, you can access the Cohousing-L References page here
Cohousing-L is managed by Fred H. Olson of Communications for Justice who can be reached by email at: fholson at