We are a cohousing community located in a university town in northern California. Arcata has active art, environmental, and spiritual communities, making it a socially rich place to live. We also have easy access to the redwood forest, beaches, mountains, and other natural wonders. Marsh Commons site is a reused industrial property adjacent to a wildlife sanctuary and marsh with many miles of walking trails. We chose this site for its location close to the town plaza and to a beautiful wild place. Our houses and common house feature sustainable materials, including carpet from pop bottles, redwood from an old barn we tore down, reused lighting, flooring re-sawn from old mill buildings, recycled-newspaper insulation, sustainably harvested construction lumber, and recycled-plastic lumber for decking. We have weekly meals, celebrate together, have had a vegetable garden in the past, and respect each others’ individuality. Houses to buy and rentals become available intermittently.
Shared Property
- Common House
- Guest Rooms
- Laundry
- Some units accessible
Welcomes Visitors (fee may apply)
- Common Meals
- Guest Rooms
- Work Days
Decision Making
- Modified Consensus
- 1-3 meals per month
Meal Participation
- Optional participation
- N/A
Contact Information
- Marsh Commons