WebChat #14 with Alan O’Hashi

Retrofit Cohousing

Is there another way to create cohousing? Many of our wonderful cohousing communities have been built on a foundation of member investment with a great deal of support from building professionals. In this week’s WebChat, Alan O’Hashi considers a variety of paths to cohousing.

1. Stout – the most common approach requiring a large investment of time and money from the first members and 3-7 years (or more) of building time.

2. Lite – Cohousing led by a developer who bears the early risk and makes most of the decisions around the project with members coming in later in the process.

3. Ultra-lite – Cohousing that gathers in existing housing structures and bands together to create the secret sauce of community.

It is this Ultra-lite or retrofit approach to cohousing that Alan focuses on in this WebChat. He shares examples of this type of project and many suggestions for how to approach it. Listen to the full WebChat at the link below for all the information.


Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzP_-_GeVmPdYmNUT2hUanQ5ZGRpbnE2a3FZM3Z…

Category: Alternatives

Tags: Alan O'Hashi, retrofit, types of cohousing

Views: 1303

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