Benefits of the Conference, Even to a Veteran Cohouser!
I attended the Cohousing Conference in Seattle, WA in 2009 and had an amazing time. I’d been living in Cohousing for 6 years and thought I had a pretty good handle on the challenges and solutions for all the typical issues that come up in community. I was curious to see what other communities were doing, but fully expected the experience to reinforce my perception that I already know how it works.
Then I got there, and I was blown away to be in a setting with so many people interested in Cohousing and community living. I learned A LOT! I left feeling re-inspired and re-energized about my community and about the incredible amount of creativity, interest and commitment that is in the Cohousing community as a whole. It was great fun and very affirming to be with “my people.”
I highly recommend the conference to anyone who is interested in Cohousing. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet and learn from experienced Cohousing professionals and to connect with Cohousers of all kinds.
Sarah Ross
Member of Great Oak Cohousing in Ann Arbor, MI2003 – Present
Category: Past Events
Tags: Conference, Stories
Views: 495