Gainesville Cohousing Breaks Ground – First in Florida

Congrats to Gainesville Cohousing, breaking ground on a community five years in the making.
Great publicity received! Click here to see local ABC news affiliate video.

GAINESVILLE, Fla – A co-housing community in Gainesville broke ground Friday afternoon, and neighbors are one step closer to moving in.

Gainesville Cohousing is a 24 home, $5 million community designed and developed by 20 families. It’s located at 4500 NW 27th Ave., and has been 5 years in the making. It’s not your normal, private neighborhood. It’s much more intimate and social.

“You’ll share meals a couple of nights a week with your neighbors. You’ll have a common house with an extensive kitchen, dining area, pool, playground, and garden so you are much more involved in each others activities. But it’s not completely together,” said Brooks Nelson, the Founder of the community.
Razia Alihamm grew up in a small village in Trinidad where everyone knew and looked out after one another. She hopes living in the first co-housing community in the state with her husband and child will be the same.

“The way we have to manage ourselves and our property here, and share resources; it forces us to develop relationships that are real, to learn how to communicate,” Alihamm said.
City and county officials were in attendance at the groundbreaking ceremony.

“What it has caused us to do as an organization is open the books back up, and look at how we as a city can be adaptable, and prepared for whatever the new models coming before us might be,” said Lauren Poe, Mayor for the city of Gainesville.

Community members also decide who moves in. The community is also committed to sustainability and green living.

There are currently four spaces left. Construction is expected to be completed in one year.

Category: Getting it Built

Tags: Buildings, living in cohousing, News, relationships, Stories

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