New platform for senior cohousing questions

Have you heard about the Seniors in Cohousing Q&A held monthly on Zoom? It’s a new way to get your questions about senior cohousing answered. The live sessions address all kinds of topics pertinent to seniors interested in cohousing — topics like aging in community, how to find communities or groups that are forming, participation expectations, and much more.
The sessions take place the 20th of each month (regardless of day of the week) at 10 a.m. Mountain Time. They are facilitated by leaders in the cohousing field and/or by members of senior cohousing communities. The usual format is for participants on the call to state the questions they wish to have answered, and for the leaders to go through them one by one. Lively discussion occurs along the way. More than 30 people attended a recent meeting, generating a host of interesting questions.
Here are some possible questions for future meetings:
- How are senior cohousing and multigenerational cohousing different?
- Are there cohousing rentals available?
- Are there affordable cohousing communities?
- How do cohousing members help each other?
- What if I need ongoing in-home assistance?
- How do seniors in cohousing have fun together?
Register here for the next Seniors in Cohousing Q&A. After you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.
Category: Uncategorized
Views: 18313