Open House Day Inspires Renewable Energy Workshop

The National Cohousing Open House Day on April 30 is inspiring communities to provide special events in conjunction with tours. Liberty Village Cohousing in Maryland is offering this intriguing opportunity:

On April 30th, a dynamic speaker from the Frederick County Office of Sustainability and Environmental Resources will make a presentation on “Renewable Energy for Your Home,” from 3:30 to 5:30pm, during the first ever Cohousing Open House Day. Cohousing is focused on sharing and conserving resources, so this is a good fit. The program will include information on the MD-SUN group, local solar coops and community solar, as well as other alternative energy options for Marylanders. The concept of “community solar” has just been approved by the MD Public Service Commission. This a great opportunity to learn about it.

Category: Past Events

Tags: Marketing, Open House

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